The college drop-off moment evokes feelings of excitement, triumph and pride, but it can also cause pain, sadness and loss feelings, which is often called “The Empty Nest Syndrome”. There are many ways to move forward and start focusing on a new chapter in our lives. Not only are our children growing and starting a new stage in life, but also we are. There are many things that can help move past the heartache and make you rediscover activities you set aside while raising them. You also remember the things you used to be passionate about and now have the ability to invest your time into. Here are some ideas of things to do after your kids leave home along with a few tips on how to overcome the sorrow and make the best out of this new chapter:
1. Accept your feelings and let yourself feel. It is important to respect and cherish your life’s changes and accept what you are feeling while being careful not to stay stuck there.
2. Reconnect with your partner, parents, siblings and long-lost friends. Try to meet with your loved ones more often and invest your time in them to get closer. With social media, it is a lot easier to reconnect with people you were close to back in college or high school but drifted apart due to your busy schedules.
3. Set long-term and short-term goals. There are many things you can invest your time and money into. From cooking classes, to planning a trip, training for a marathon, reading books, taking college courses online or getting in shape. Having some type of direction can give you a sense of purpose and make you commit to something that is beneficial for you.
4. Declutter and organize your home. Reorganizing your space and cleaning your home can help to spark and elevate your mood which allows you to feel clear minded and focus on the things that really matter.
5. Travel. It is the perfect time to start planning a trip to the places you have always talked and dreamed about visiting!
6. Time for yourself. It is also a great time to reconnect and take care of yourself. Catch up on your sleep, focus on your mental and physical health, your spiritual practice and be mindful of your body.
7. Create new weekend routines. Have you always wanted to go to brunch on sunday, go golfing, or sit and relax at a coffee shop while reading a book? Now is your chance.
8. Think about downsizing. Ask yourself these questions: do we still need a house this size? Is this the area we want to spend our retirement in? What about a condo in the city? Would downsizing to use the extra cash for retirement be smart? Moving out of your big home full of beautiful memories can be hard, but it also has its benefits:
Move forward with your retirement plan.
Yard work would no longer be so time-consuming and hard on your body.
No more accumulation of unnecessary material things.
A smaller home means less cleaning.
Live more efficiently and make full functional use of your entire space
If you find yourself ready to make a move out of your big home, we can help! Just contact us!